
and weight control

Blood sugar is the concentration of glucose in the blood. The body self-adjustment mechanisms maintain blood sugar relatively constant, at values of approximately a gram of glucose per liter. This way, the blood permanently carries to organs and tissues the necessary amounts of blood glucose. The regulation of blood glucose is done with the help of hormonal substances. Some of them reduce blood sugar (insulin), while others increase it (glucagon, adrenaline and growth hormone).

Normal blood sugar value ranges from 4.4 to 6.7 mili-mols per blood liter (corresponds to 0.8-1.2 grams per liter), when the test is done on the blood sampled in the morning, on an empty stomach. The deviation from the values deemed normal can be either towards lowering or increasing the glucose concentration:

Hypoglycemia (the lowering of blood sugar) causes perspirations, weakness and even the loss of consciousness if the lowering is significant. The hypoglycemic state usually occurs in a short time, from 30 minutes to one hour. This is why it has to be treated urgently, as follows:

  • if the patient is conscious: by orally giving them sugar and beverages or foods containing sugar.
  • if the patient is unconscious: by glucagon injection.

Hyperglycemia (the increase of blood sugar) is one of the symptoms specific to diabetes. The hyperglycemic state settles in gradually, during several hours, and can persist for quite a long time. It is treated by a food diet poor in carbohydrates and, when needed, by receiving oral hypoglycemic agents; in certain more serious cases, like in type 1 diabetes, also by insulin injections.

Before resorting to drugs lowering the blood sugar level, try to make a change in your diet, which has the advantage of bringing the sugar in the blood to the normal concentration, without any adverse effects.

If you are overweight, this means that your heart has to work more in order to pump the blood in the entire body. That additional pressure can cause problems to the heart and your blood vessel system. Many people who have been overweight for a long period can be diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes, both diseases being risk factors for heart diseases. During the last 10 years, there has been noticed an increase in the number of overweight or obese people. Obesity ruins our hearts and, in general, it is only the result of the ratio of a too large number of calories from the diet and too little physical exercise.

Therefore, if you are overweight, you must start taking steps to prevent the onset of obesity. If you are overweight or obese, you should check with your family doctor whether you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol. Even if you are going to lose little weight, this will be beneficial and will considerably reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.